Texture: (Texture Key (Use 'Copy Asset UUID') OR Texture Name (You should provide the texture in the object inventory.)) Glowing. (Particles will glow in the dark, otherwise will reflect the ambiant light) Interpolate Color. (Turns on or off interpolating color.) Start color: < , , > (Initial color value, RGB (values between 0.0 to 1.0) End color: < , , > (Final color value, RGB (values between 0.0 to 1.0)) Start Apha: (Initial transparency value. Range: 0.0 to 1.0) End Apha: (final transparency value. Range: 0.0 to 1.0) Interpolate Scale. (Turns on or off interpolating scale.) Start Scale: X: m | Y:m (Initial scale value. Range (0.04m to 4m)) End Scale: X: m | Y:m (final scale value. Range (0.04m to 4m))
Pattern: (type of emission) EXPLODE (Sends particles in all directions.) DROP (Droping effects.) ANGLE CONE (Uses Angle values to make rings & cones.) ANGLE CONE EMPTY (Sends particles excepts in the defined ring or cone.) ANGLE (Uses Angle to make flat wedges.) Initial Position Distance Radius:m (Distance between emitter and each new particle, 0.0 to 64.) Begin Angle:° (Emission Cone begin angle (0 to 180 degrees)) End Angle:° (Emission Cone end angle (0 to 180 degrees)) Minimum Speed:m (Slowest speed of new particles. 0.01 to ? (Speed is ignore by DROP Pattern.)) Maximum Speed:m (Fastest speed of new particles. 0.01 to ? (Speed is ignore by DROP Pattern.)) Acceleration vector: < , , >(A continous force pushed on particles. Use small settings for long lived particles.) Rotation (Omega): < , , >(How much to rotate the emitter around the X, Y & Z axes after each burst.) Follow Source. (Moves particles when emitter moves. Disables Radius.) Follow Velocity. (Particles rotate towards their heading.) Wind. (Sim's wind will push particles.) Bounce. (Make particles bounce above the Z altitude of emitter.) Target. (Turns on or off targeting of particles.) Target Key: To the object it-self. To the object owner. To the agent or object key passed in the target parameter.
Particle Burst: Particle Life Time (Age): (How many seconds each particle lives for: 0.1 to 60.0 seconds.) Interval between each burst (Rate): (Seconds between particle bursts, 0.0 to 60.) Number of Particles emitted per Burst (Count): (Number of particles per burst, 1 to 4096.) NUMBER OF CONCURRENT PARTICULES: Emission Duration: (Number of seconds to wait before shutting off, 0.1 to 60. (0.0 never stops.))